Unlock Your Data Without Ceding Control

Has your data come under pressure?

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There's a better way to meet the data needs of your business users faster and with fewer resources.

Data has become a critical success factor for virtually every aspect of an organization’s strategic goals. Increasing pressure from competitive threats, supply chain and economic volatility, changing customer expectations, and more, combined with the foundational role data plays in digital transformation initiatives, create demand for ongoing real-time analytics from stakeholders across the enterprise.

At the same time, the data supply chain is constantly evolving with new systems, services, and apps, many of which are moving to the cloud to take advantage of elasticity and scale, while some data remains trapped in legacy systems.

This dynamic causes major data integration and delivery pains at the same time that data engineering talent is in short supply. But going with one of the common options — letting business users implement their own solutions, using cloud providers’ native data integration tools, or enforcing centralized systems and controls — can result in a complex, brittle, and costly architecture.

There is a better way.

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See What Clients Are Saying About Us

Quality of Service and Fraud Protection

“RingCentral can now address quality of call service in real-time allowing us to make immediate adjustments to the network and carriers.”

Michael Becker Senior Director of Big Data, RingCentral
Quality of Service and Fraud Protection

“StreamSets technologies and DataOps practices allow us to deliver the business outcomes that we're focused on and make an impact on the people we serve every day.”

Anne-Britton Arnett VP, Information Management and Analytics, Humana
AI at Enterprise Scale

“StreamSets allows me to provide stable, sustainable data operations on top of both a self-service and professional platform and to operate this at scale.”

Dan Jeavons GM of Data Science, Shell