On-Demand Webinar

  • Case Study

    How Cisco Ingests Diverse Data into Elasticsearch

    • The Cisco Intercloud Fabric is designed to help enterprises to create a seamless hybrid cloud by transparently extending their data centers or private clouds into public clouds and provider-hosted clouds.
    • The challenge for Cisco Intercloud Services is to manage service performance across the fabric, which requires efficient and reliably ingestion, processing and monitoring of real-time data from numerous data centers.
    • In this webinar Dimitri Chtchourov from Cisco along with experts from StreamSets and Elastic will discuss how Cisco Intercloud Services and the MANTL Data Platform use StreamSets Data Collector plus Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana to manage ingest of internal operational and multi-data center logs with low latency, high reliability and intelligent monitoring.

Section 2: Spin Straw into Gold